Month: August 2022

Success and challenges of Georgian tobacco taxation policy

Vano TsertsvadzeDoctor of social sciencesProfessorGeorgian Institute of Public AffairsNational Center for Disease Control of GeorgiaLali KhurtsiaDoctor of economicsAssistant professorTbilisi State University Abstract. Georgia has recently taken a major step toward compliance with the WHO FCTC, Georgia also ratified the association agreement with the European Union. According to these Agreements Georgia is obliged to harmonize its […]


The history of Wine law from the European Economic Comunity to the European Union

Nikoloz Parsadanishvili (PhD Candidate) Faculty of Law, Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University Tbilisi, Georgia Abstract: This article, by referring on the comparative analysis and historical approach, explores the regulations of EEC and then EU shaping the European Common Wine Policy, in order to find out what was the reason of introducing certain regulations and what […]


Organizational Communication

Maya Ugulava Doctoral student of Business Technologies Faculty Georgian Technical University Otar Baghaturia Associate Professor of Business Technologies Faculty at Georgian Technical University Abstract The article discusses the importance of organizational structural communication in terms of effective management. Author mentions General theoretical considerations as well as distinguishing marks between types of communication. At the end, […]


The linguistic policy as a non-violent means in the struggle for the autonomy: the case of Catalonia

Grigol Kalandadze PhD Candidate PhD Program in Political Science Georgian Institute of Public Affairs Tbilisi, Georgia Abstract Ethnic nationalism, which is still a relevant issue in many states, is historically linked with various ethnic groups in many places of the world, including Europe. Most European nationalist groups tend to take after each other, regarding the […]


‘Georgian Way’ of Policy Advocacy: Non-state Actors’ Influence on Public Policy in Georgia A Comparative Analysis of Policy Advocacy under the United National Movement’s and Georgian Dream’s Governance

Manana Mikaberdize (MSc.) Salome Sichinava (MA) Tinatin Siradze (MA) Salome Muradashvili (MA) Authors’ affiliations: Doctorate Students of Georgian Institution of Public Affairs (GIPA) Tbilisi, Georgia Abstract Georgia has often been the target of interest for public policy scholars, however, the ‘Georgian way of policy advocacy’, its peculiarities in modern Georgia, one of the post-Soviet country, […]